Unfortunately we have not yet found another Woody Guthrie.

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Rich folks do not want to pay taxes. But they sure have plenty for political donations. Let's collect the taxes and change how elections are financed.

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Over turn Citizens United NOW

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It is very worth reading again

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Woody Guthrie was prescient and we should take his sane advice.

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The republican party, in present form, needs to be disbanded and reinsfituted as legitimate political party with the best interests of the United States as it goal.

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We certainly need a new Republican Party that's in favor of the people. Where's Teddy Roosevelt when we need him. He got rid of money in politics. Citizens United put it back.

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I am an Okie by birth, and I was raised in Oklahoma.My grandparents were raised near Okemah. Woody speaks for me because of their life experiences and my experiences as well. I am a Fred Harris Democrat. Fred was always considered a Progressive Democrat in Oklahoma.That is where I see myself.

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Populist movement - not if the Democrats have anything to do with it.. They want a 2 party system -probably Republicans also but they are not as active as the Democrats in keeping the status quo. Woody Guthrie saw it - a 2 headed snake - We have a few other parties but they have not made progress in getting on the ballot in all states or being on the big stage! Kennedy made a real effort and has endorsed Trump because his biggest interest is the Health of Americans - especially the CHILDREN. He and Senator Ron Johnson (brave American) just held a round table -American Health & Nutrition A Second Opinion - you will find it on YouTube. More info can be viewed on this weeks episode of thehighwire.com 391 Health Revolution I know the doctors believe people do not care about their health so just prescribe medications but they care the cards are just stacked against them

starts 3 hours after birth with the first SHOT HepB for a STD! Thank you for your time. Pray to end all wars.

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Back in 16 the girlfriend asked people if they thought a bankrupt billionaire could solve the problems created billionaires

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Yeah. Well. How has that worked so far?

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Don't think it's working, trumpees will never admit they paid too much for a hat from a bankrupt felon

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Heard it before, but it's well worth repeating! Be safe, Jim and Crew. Greetings from Georgia!

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I was planning to attend the Freedom Festival that the Republican Party had advertised for today along the Greenbrier River. WATER and how the New River National Park would be affected by Senator Manchin's Permitting Reform Act of 2024, which streamlines the process to allow Hydraulic Fracturing for natural gas on both Federal and Private Lands, a process that pours toxic pollution into the ground water, creeks, streams and rivers. Ironically, flooding caused by the hurricane (thank God for the rain) caused the event to be cancelled. I guess l will have to write a letter to the Editor

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Like having a union of the people. I'd like to experience that!

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Thank you for the reminder, Jim!

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