
Jim, have a good Thanksgiving and thanks for all you do!

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I have been witching Inside The Factory today about how food is produced and distributed and I want to give a shout out to all the people that make it happen. From the farms to the trucks to the factories to the grocery store there's an army of hard working people that supply us with our food and they deserve credit.

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Hello Jim! This is John Zippert, Program Director Emeritus of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, I enjoy your column on a regular basis. I would like to talk with you about a group of Hispanic fishers in the Matagorda Bay Area, that we are working with to organize a fishing cooperative. We need your help and advice in dealing with the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife, Texas Land Office, and other Texas regulatory agencies that are creating road blocks to the cooperative's success. You can contact me by email at: jzippert@aol.com or my cell phone at 205-657-0273. I look forward to talking with you.

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Let's face it folks, the first Thanksgiving - if there ever was one, was a travesty. The Native Americans certainly didn't welcome a bunch of exploiting would be entrepreneurs and future murderers. Most of us now know that the first so-called settlers were here to push their brand of religion on new land where they could initiate their brand of worship, not that of a monarchy in England. They came here to make money just like all the others who "came to the new world!" Without the help of Native Americans, the Pilgrims would have all died from starvation. Don't get me started on the subject of subjugation and slavery, I have too. much to say on those two subjects.

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A good day to reach out to folks who might be alone, might need some food. Might need some love...who doesn't?

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Thanks, Jim - and Happy Thanksgiving to you, your staff, and all of our Lowdown Family! We are proud to be part of it!!

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Thankful for your column and for the cultural diversity that enriches this nation.

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Thanks for the fun bit on Thanksgiving and for your entertaining and informative blog. I've been a subscriber for many years.

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Thanks again, Mr. Hightower (!), for an amusing and, I have no doubt, factual message. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, wherever and however you recognize it.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your staff Jim Hightower.... Keep up the good works you do.

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Wouldn't be great if the warring Dems and Reps could sit down and share a meal? Wouldn't it be great if the billionaires and millionaires could share a meal and treasure with their workers? This would be a true Thanksgiving!

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I sure was not aware of the competing "First Thanksgiving". I enjoyed listening to the 'real' menus that the early settlers ate.

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Friday (Black Friday) is Native American Heritage Day on my calendar. People of the horse unite! I'm going horse back riding and will buy nothing from stores until small business Saturday. Thank God for the delicious feast today, Blissed Out and the left overs tomorrow! Hope you all had lots to share and enjoy

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We did, thanks! And we really, really like your approach to "Black Friday". Can't stand the relentless pressure to shop, shop, shop - and it only gets worse as we prepare for Christmas. Enjoy your horseback ride!

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Thanks! We needed that.

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Hi Jim, hope you had a good Thanksgiving,Al

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Happy Thanksgiving Jim I knew I would hear the

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