This would not come as a surprise to Molly Ivins.

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Molly was one fearless woman. We miss her!

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She once wrote about a Speaker of the Texas House who, upon being advised that one of the gallerys was occupied by people in wheelchairs, motioned to that gallery and asked occupants to stand and be recognized. All I can say is, if Texas and Florida are in a batle for First Place Dumb, the Alligator State should throw in the towel.

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Yikes! We second that motion.

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Well, I often say to people from Washington who question what we send up there: You should see what we’ve got back home. - Molly Ivins

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Yep, it's 1984 in Texas. Make that 1884, or even further back in time. Orwell never dreamed that this could happen in America. But it does not have to continue, and we can change the ending of the book. Thanks Jim! And thank God for clear heads and honesty and love, and for the people of Texas who are resisting this brainwashing. Sending hugs and good wishes from Georgia!

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Georgia on my mind. What’s up with the people in Georgia's 14th congressional district?

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Florida still beats Texas with the war on Disney the states largest taxpayer. Been reading the lowdown for a couple decades its good to know somebody can see the bullshit through the cows ass

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Years and years ago I was a Republican in Colorado. As with everything I get interested in I dig deep and after that was no longer a Republican. While I was in however I found myself disgusted at what passed for discourse in party meetings. Basically people wanted to be entertained. Talk about real issues Oh no never. I actually introduced a motion at our country assembly that would require all candidates for office to submit their platform to the County Clerk and be legally accountable for actually doing what thay said they were going to do. Talk about lead balloon time, They hated the idea and dismissed me.

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Well, good for you for speaking up, I say, even if it got you 'dismissed.' I can only hope that somebody actually listened to your motion and thought about it later. We have to hold onto hope.

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Are there more Republicans like you at home? Or anywhere else? We need to hear from y'all! We can all take courage from what you did, Jon.

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Aggggh! and Ugggggh! How comes the devil's always in the details!? I'm so grateful for all your truth-telling and no-holds-back insistence on revealing the truth of what's coming down the road at us. Blessings and love to you and all your intrepid staff people.

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MAGAists pretend to be big Christians. HEB is owned by a big family of serious Baptists. They support community organizations, especially those involving children and youths.

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Wisconsin's Legislature is trying to get into the Orwellian Major Leagues with Texas and Florida. I nominated our MAGA-certified Assembly Speaker, the Very Stable Genius Robin Vos, for the Orwell Award when he accused all DEI programs at the University of Wisconsin of trying to enforce one point of view on all the students. I guess that one point of view is that we should welcome and celebrate all points of view, and the Speaker can't abide that idea. He would rather have us all adopt his point of view. Wait a minute! What?! Yes, that's what he did, just before he justified blackmailing the UW by withholding key funds to force the institution to abandon some or all DEI programs. Yes, in Robin's world, down is up and up is down. Welcome to 1984.

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From the same state that had Ann Richard's as Governor? The he'll you say! Or I do anyway. Just another WTF in Texas. I sure hope the grocery chain gets more business from this bs. And Ted Cruz? May he be dethroned in November-weasel.

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You can't even say welcome to Florida everyone has to abbreviate

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I don't understand but I was talking of Texas. My abbreviated BS was a courtesy.

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Welcome to Florida otherwise known as wtf

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"If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent Texas and live in Hell". - Philip Sheridan

I get really discouraged with TX. Once upon a time it was a fairly decent place despite the governors who thought Jesus spoke English and dentists who think the world is 10,000 years old, but it has now degenerated into a steaming pile of feedlot bedding. One time I asked the Texas Observer if there was any use it going on, and they told me "dogs, Daniel, dogs".

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Just another reason never to go to Texas, especially if you want to live your life your way. I really can't decide which is worse-I'd never move to either of them. Thank God I live far, far way. People denigrate New Jersey, but I'll stay here, thank you.

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Oops i pushed the wrong button. In their denials dont seem to realize what their lives will be like, losing everything.

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Thank you for asking. We're glad that Georgia is on your mind! The people in GA-14 are all right. They are for the most part decent, hard-working, friendly folks. We love to visit the Blue Ridge mountain area, and they (the people) do not sound or act like MTG supporters. She has her fan base, but we have no personal experiences with them. (We live in Gwinnett County, GA-7, and we love our Democratic rep, Lucy McBath. Thanking God daily that we don't live in Texas or Florida. ) What's it like where you live?

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Check into Louisiana's proposed law that would eliminate the requirement for businesses to give a child employee a lunch break. And of course, all the states rushing to eliminate child protective labor laws. Are we a great country, or what? Guess if you're not pro-business and following the Repulicans' mantra, you can't be an American or a Texas or ......!

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I hate to say it but apparently the people of Texas are all for these ridiculous and dangerous changes. They keep voting the same troublemakers back into office and then expect change (isn't that the definition of insanity).. it's time to wake up and smell the UKW (you know what) before its too late

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Fla is in the business of telling academics what they can't teach and how to teach what they can. All of this is both illegal and unconstitutional not to mention counter productive since after decades of lagging behind the rest of the country the state's universities have recently become much stronger. Not for long though as top candidates for job openings are shunning the state if they have another alternative.

By the time the suits against these policies are decided -- we hope in favor of the plaintiffs - the university system will have suffered much damage that will take a long while to overcome. There's more, such as the elimination of offices designed to encourage DEI, so we're holding our own in the race to the bottom.

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