Oh, Lord, don't get me started. Add to that Big Pharma and Big Ag using government research to better their products and increase their profits, and we lose again. And again. And again.

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Thanks to President Reagan and David Stockman, "trickle down" has become the mantra of Republicans tax policy. As long as their corporate backers keep getting tax breaks, Republicans will consistently vote to reduce taxes for them, while punishing low-income people by reducing their SNAP benefits and piling on work requirements. Are we a great country or what?

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I also think it has to do with the Republican platform. It has always been for big business and it always will be. The working public is just there as their labor force.

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To put it in simple terms. The trickle down theory means the working man gets pissed on. Corporations can afford to pay a living wage with benefits. But are greedy and want everything for themselves. Companies go bankrupt, while executives and stockholders rake in the cash. Leaving the workers with no compensation.

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This is such old-hat garbage.

To think that people still believe in that supply-side economics bullshit — I don’t know how we can get most of the people to understand it is all smoke and mirrors and to keep voting for Republicans will not help you or your pocketbook.

Republicans are only interested in giving tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations.

It's not complicated but for the delusional, it may as well be rocket science. Sorry for the old catch-phrase… 😢

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... “magic of the marketplace.” But remember: Magicians don’t perform magic – they perform illusions.

What a great line!

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The real "magic" is that it has worked for so long. Capitalism has never been about the greater good, now has it? So why do so many believe the ugly proganda about "reckless spending", "marxism" or "communism"? Because they have been brainwashed for a long time, and gotten out of the habit of thinking for themselves. So who needs facts, if they can throw the -isms around (without understanding their meaning) and sound smart and, oh yeah, patriotic? Simple facts: it was a Republican administration that led us into the Great Depression; it was a Democratic president who helped us overcome it and rebuild. The pattern continues. Time to wake up, America. And yes, Mary, we are a great country!

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It has seemed to me for some time that being a staunch republican requires unquestioning faith. Trickle-down economics has failed for more than forty years but the party stands firm. Is it really any wonder that they are prepared to worship Trump?

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I am , in theory at least, a free-market fan. But it isn't free-market when the oligarchs write the laws to suit themselves. it's gangster capitalism, not much different from Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany or Putin's Russia. don't know how we can get rid of them; the Dim-ocrats like corporate money as much as the Rethuglicans do. At the risk of sounding like GW or Dishonest Don, I'd like to be dictator for a while. Just long enough to liquidate the corpo-rats, klepto-crats, crazy and/or corrupt politicians of BOTH parties, Satan's servant "evangelists", Limbaugh and Ranttity type poison-mongers, sensation- spewing/fact-ignoring mass media bosses, and the entire tax code.

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One problem, JaBier, is that most people stand in awe of great wealth. Wealthy people are attributed godlike qualities and so, they command deference. In their ranks are plenty of egotists ,

sociopaths (having no conscience aids money-making) and people of middling intelligence. Seen as vastly superior by society lets them -literally- get away with murder!

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In the 1960's the credit industry allowed people to spend future earnings to buy and maintain a motor vehicle or a house and a person was valued by not how much one had but how much capital and property one controlled. If you owned a house appraised for $50,000.00 and your debt was $50,000.00 then your value is $100,000.00 instead of 0. When a corporation goes bankrupt, it's been zeroed out and debts are forgiven, no one is personally held responsible to the creditors and the assets are sold for a huge loss. That's how the World Trade Center was financed and it was constructed at an astronomical financial loss.

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Let's make sure that President Biden, if re-elected, does not renew the previously devious and crippling "Trump Tax Cuts" of 2017. They expire next year. Trump has already said that he would renew them. Stop the crooks! All policy comes out of real-life experience and we have had enough, thank you!

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Income taxes were created to support the military. I have striven throughout my adult years to keep my traceable income below the poverty level. Bank of America has a special deal for military families, just call their customer service

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It was 2 weeks after you wrote about san Antonio and a dozen other cities denying Amazon because they want good roads and schools for their employees but they don't want to pay for them that an Amazon warehouse was announced in the lowest paid county in Florida Volusia. It's boggling that patriots will jump to fight in the dumbest fought wars on earth but asking the company's who are profiting from the war to help pay is un-American

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The corruption caused by corporate lobbying(bribery-contributing to their candidates campaign)

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A well-known folk song has these lyrics, in part:

"Oh, the candidate's a dodger, yes, a well-known dodger,

Oh, the candidate's a dodger, yes, and I'm a dodger too."

I did some searching. With uncounted verses, I see none describing Capitalists. Anyone care to write one?


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