For more than 30 years, our state Democratic Party has relied on high-dollar donors and high-dollar consultants to “win Texas.”
It’s time to face up to the obvious: We haven’t. In fact, we’ve lost whole areas and communities that we grassroots Democrats used to win again and again. So here’s a thought: Let’s take our Party back to the grassroots!
· REFOCUS on year-round outreach to local people and community networks that are our natural strength.
· REINVEST in grassroots organizing and party-building all across Texas, including in long-abandoned rural areas.
· REINVIGORATE and REACTIVATE “little-d” democrats by delivering a clear “on your side” message of progressive populism, taking on the GOP plutocrats and billionaire oligarchs.
The time to start reempowering a winning grassroots party is now—by choosing Kendall Scudder to be our Chair of the Texas Democratic Party. He has the know-how, the working-class passion, and even the money-raising ability to rally and organize us at the ground level (the human level of politics) to restore democratic values and policies in our state.
I hope you’ll join in this effort so we Democrats can really start to “win Texas” for the workaday people of our state.
Find out more about Kendall at
I have always been amazed out how Texans went from Ann Richards to "Dubbya" and then proceeded to elect dumber and dumber governors who cared nothing about the people of Texas but only corporations and enriching themselves. I hope this is the beginning of intelligent leaders who represent the people returning to Texas and national government.
Worked with Kendal during his time in Huntsville when he was enrolled in SHSU. He is a dedicated worker with great organization and people skills. The last State Chairman was so bland and unmotivated that I started to challenge him for his post myself. Kendal is a natural choice to bring enthusiasm and energy back into the position.