As I have grown older, looking back over nearly 80 years on this earth, it seems to me that the idea of public service has been flipped on its head. Rather than the Court serving the people, now the attitude that the people serve the court as witnesses and audience to its actions, not as citizens to be accountable to. Maybe it is just me? SD Auburn CA

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No, it is certainly not just you. We are in our 80's, and have seen the same development. Also, it is not limited to the (so-called) Supreme Court. Just look at our House of "Representatives".

Not that Democrats are perfect, but the Gutless Old Party seems completely disconnected from the real needs of real people. Yet we konw that Americans are better than that, and that we will get through this - sadder but wiser.

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I am also in my 80s and losing hope that we will get through this decline wise enough to support the young people who deserve a future, and who are pushing for change. My sense is that If Is Not Now, there might not be a “later.“

I’m so grateful for Jim Hightower’s wisdom, and his great sense of humor.

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I agree. We seem unable to be honest about the inhumanity all around us, and our inability to tackle a climate crisis that can/will kill us. I love life and my cheerful grandson, but hope is dwindling.

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It is “just “ you and me and every other American who have followed the so called rules for 77 ( me) years. And I say we demand that we the people make the rules. And if they can’t enforce them then they are OFF the court!

I am reading every day how people are wearing down and consequently not listening any more! This is not good for rule followers. It is very good for that slimy factor of “fill my pockets” at the trough of the people.

Can you believe the arrogance of any of these non -Americans . They live free wheeling lives on our work! Throw the sniveling , evil cheats out!

And, clean up your own family, America, if you do not understand the concept of character and morality . Actual morality, not the bogus kind injected into the skin of outsiders as a “religion”.

Sorry to burden the atmosphere with my thoroughly worn out hot air. But my brain is overheating trying to understand the audacity of these morons.

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I have long since given up my childhood beliefs that the court occupants are dispensers of justice for citizens. They are mere word merchants who serve the needs of corporations and business in general. Have they ever spent any time interacting with actual working people? Why aren’t they required to do that as part of their time off from actual court time. Their lifetime appointment is a sad joke. Nobody ever gets a job for life. Their lack of an enforceable ethics code isa travesty. These recent revelations of corruption just smacks of unbridled arrogance. Limit terms to ten years, require a background of regular contact with with working citizens, spread the backgrounds far beyond elite colleges, and forget the sham Congressional hearings because the candidates lie.

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What else would you expect from a position that is lifetime and answers to no one. Power corrupts and we see it every time the SC makes a decision. By them creating their own Ethics Standard is the same as allowing the fox free access to the hen house. This whole matter would be laughable if it weren't so serious.

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Great comment Heff!👏🏻🤗

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Have we forgotten who appointed them, mostly, and who was POTUS that we elected. They say it all begins at the ballot. box. So do your homework on who you vote for and what they stand for and their records of service ,I mean real service for the people. Then resoundingly vote for the good guys and reject the self-servers if you can

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At least 3 current members of our Supreme Court are sexual assaulters, what do we expect. Obviously, without resignations for ethical and monetary violations nothing will change. Wealth and being socially elite again allows one to escape justice

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Interesting point made by Radaghast (cool name - maybe a Tolkien fan?) about the other three judges. Possible answer: they have not come under fire for ethics violations - yet. So they are holding back, being completely outnumbered. Or they are resigned, like a couple of other contributors, that nothing will change. The whole idea that SC judges are appointed by the president/party in power, and confirmed for a lifetime, is absurd and cannot possibly be the intention of the Founders! We need nothing less than a constitutional amendment!

BTW, the note to SD below should say "we know", sorry, ye olde finger slipped. But anyway, HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!

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I live in France where the Judiciary is separated from Government.

WHY is it that the American people are not out on the streets in front of The Supreme Justices Court?

Why is it that the American people sit at home in front of their MSM bullshit?

Why is it that the US rules the world?

Is it that we have become 'poodles' of the USA?

Yes we have and now we are trying to extricate ourselves but we have American power undermining us all the time.

Just recently (finally) Macron has asked for a ceasefire. Where is this on the propaganda News?

Why is it that Americans are trying to emigrate from the US to Europe when they are anti-immigration in the US?

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To address your questions JennyStokes, I believe we are a lethargic, narcissistic, uninformed, consumer addicted society. Don't bother us, we can't cope.

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I think you can 'cope!'

BUT you need to inform the 'masses' who will vote for Trump.

In my naivety I think the USA is 'illiterate''

They really do not understand what is going on.

To my mind this is all about EDUCATION

For years the US has demonised Socialism..equated it with communism.

It has (to my mind) totally disregarded Liberal Socialism which we have in France.

IF you had good healthcare (like us) it becomes a bastion against Right wing Le Pen.

We will see!

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The Supreme Court as out of control as this really terrible I-phone 14. It controls one’s’ own spelling!!

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Seems to me that the only way to have a legitimate Court is to have a massive majority in the House and the Senate,then pack theCOURT for the 4 years we have if President Biden ,or another like minded democrat is in the White House.Four years is ample time to establish a real set of rules for the Court, and if they are retroactive the present Criminal Justices are in for a reckoning .It’s time for the democrats to stop being so mambee pambee and make some of their own rules, and stop playing by the GOPs corrupt game plan.A MASSIVE get out the vote effort is what’s needed .Get millions of citizens to march on their State Houses,as well as Washington D C like in the 60s +70s. ! Action is required for the country’s survival!

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The 6 "wrong wing" members of SCOTUS have demonstrated that they have the same integrity as a screen door on a submarine! I have no reason to trust any decision that they render on issues of social, political or economic justice. They have effectively destroyed the trust that must be present if a system of jurisprudence is to succeed in this nation.

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I like to think the writers and thinkers who believe we are starting to turn a corner on the gullibility of voters who are so contaminated and beguiled by autocratic fantasies that they actually believe trump is the right guy for the White House job. But then as you reminded us with this post, Mr. Hightower, we know gullibility has no bounds.

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The body of law and precedent have become so convoluted that most decisions could be A or B. For me the absurdity that followed from that was epitomized by allowing corporations to have free speech protections or should I say personhood. "For the people by the people" has become an empty phrase. The "highest" court of the land seems apt. If they think that they are protecting liberty they must be smoking some radical shit wrapped in our constitution. We are long overdue for a new Constitutional Convention. The founders knew their efforts would be flawed and suggested the need for one relatively soon after the founding of our nation. It's time we started!

The congress is a Chinese fire drill, the Court is corrupt, and I won't touch the executive branch - too dangerous. From a few simple principles like "for the people" and "equality and liberty for all" WE can restore America to the promise we made to ourselves and all of mankind. A society based on freedom and respect can shine again. Idealistic? Yes! Essential? Absolutely!

Please VOTE for candidates that exhibit these ethics. WE can no longer vote for personal issues. We must start voting for the future of freedom. OUR future is in OUR hands, if we work for it.

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The Supreme Court must have a strong "Code of Ethics" in order to be democratic, which they aren't. There must be rules that nee to be followed and penalties if they don't. Other Federal judges have rules, they need them too.

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Why do we never hear discussion of this ethics question from the “more liberal” end of the Supreme Court’s bench? In the absence of serious leadership on the Ethics Code question from Chief Justice Roberts, we need serious input from the other end.

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Is it possible that we could have a bipartisan committee that the Supreme Court Justices are required to report contacts with right- and left-wing fanatics and their financial backers? Perhaps we should start by having the Court consist of an even number of Democrats and Republicans?

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If not knowing that accepting gifts in exchange for votes is a sign of these "justices of the highest integrity" we better impeach them all and start over.

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To Mr.Hightower,

Thank you for being “spot on”, again and again!

Hope lives here because of your writing.

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