Ted Cruz actually spoke the truth once. In 2016, when running for president against Trump, he said: “Donald has a problem with strong women. This is not subtle; it’s not complicated.”
Right! This truth is resurfacing now that Trump finds himself unexpectedly matched against a very formidable woman: Kamala Harris. Resorting to his old slap-em-down style, Trump immediately called Harris “dumb as a rock,” even as he mispronounced her name. He then had his press secretary flail at Harris as “weak” – yet adding that’s she “dangerously liberal.” So, she’s “weak…” yet dangerously strong.
Pathetically, MAGA-world is resorting to overtly racist, anti-female tropes to attack Harris, proclaiming her to be a “DEI vice president” – i.e., chosen solely because she’s a woman of color. “When you go down that road,” bellowed Rep. Tim Burchett, “you take mediocrity.” Tim, a mediocre, ethically-corrupt Trump-acolyte from Tennessee, has only one claim to fame: He once sponsored a bill to legalize the eating of roadkill.
Meanwhile, Trump’s own VP choice, J.D. Vance, piled on the Harris DEI attack. That’s awkward, since Vance, who falsely poses as a senatorial “hillbilly,” is the ultimate DEI product. A Yale law school graduate, he was hand-picked by Silicon Valley elites for plum jobs, then financed by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel to run a hedge-fund hustle. Then Thiel gave $10 million to put Vance in US Senate. The smug senator now trashes Harris and her women supporters as “a bunch of childless cat ladies.”
Trump & his rich bros think trashing a strong woman is a “winner” – but they’re about to learn that this is an inclusive America… and Harris’ diversity is a strength.
What do you expect from Don The Con, misogynist extraordinaire? I like this nickname for the man who hates women and anyone else who doesn’t support him. Can’t understand why anyone would even consider supporting him for President unless they sought the the demise of our country?
Jim, as fellow Texans, we are FAR TOO familiar with the under qualified, over testosteroned men that haunt the highest levels of Texas government. I’m looking at you AG Paxton! In a sane Texas, Paxton would be going on 10 years in state prison! Anyhow, love and support you, Jim Hightower! Keep bringing the TRUTH! 🌟