What do you expect from Don The Con, misogynist extraordinaire? I like this nickname for the man who hates women and anyone else who doesn’t support him. Can’t understand why anyone would even consider supporting him for President unless they sought the the demise of our country?

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Jim, as fellow Texans, we are FAR TOO familiar with the under qualified, over testosteroned men that haunt the highest levels of Texas government. I’m looking at you AG Paxton! In a sane Texas, Paxton would be going on 10 years in state prison! Anyhow, love and support you, Jim Hightower! Keep bringing the TRUTH! 🌟

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Over-testosteroned? More lack of real manliness. They are poseurs pretending to be something they are not. They bring nothing to the table but misplaced hubris, lizard brain thinking and a desire to control as a means of concealing their inadequacy.

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"....our very own dreaded Legislature is almost upon us. Jan. 9 and they'll all be here, leaving many a village without its idiot" - Molly Ivins

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YEA for Jim Hightower: you always hit the issue right on the head! I don't even consider myself to be a "strong" feminist" ; yet my analysis is that part of the reason for all the disunity in the country is:: " "some White Males are so threatened by women (& people of color) gaining strength that they are willing (like Samson) to bring down the walls of the temple so express their fear and rage"

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It has always puzzled me that Trump's self-defining fear and loathing of women would get such emotional support, such backing of so many Americans, and especially that of women, whose endorsements seem boisterous and giddy in their backing of his hostility towards them. Is there such a thing as personal self-destructiveness psychologically linked to the sinister schadenfreude element, herein directed at oneself? My God the tsunami of contagious lunacies that are swamping us all.

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That is a good analysis, Gerald. We have never understood why any woman would vote for this poor, weak specimen, but you may be close to the truth!

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Female misogynists have the same sociopathy and hypocrisy as male women haters ( e.g. MTG). The hatchet-faced razor-toed, harpy Phyliss SchaflY. She was the embodiment of everything she condemned and did her shtick with a creepy, plasticine, frozen, Howdy Doody smile.

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Jim, thank you for picking through Don the Con’s hot air to get to the truth. Keep it coming! I’m hoping that Kamala and others will begin reminding people that this administration had the juevos to get us out of Afghanistan when three administrations before him couldn’t or wouldn’t. No more sons, daughters, dads or moms coming home in a casket or with missing limbs. It’s a powerful message! AND may they remind voters that yes, you’re choosing a leader, but you’re choosing a team, a movement along with it. Democrats don’t play musical chairs with their cabinet choices like the Felonistas did.

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This is what I want to know. How did America Allow Donald Trump to practically screw up this country for 4 years and then think he would pack up peacefully? I served on Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, Jr.'s staff 10 years. I felt honored everytime I walked into the U.S. Capitol, revered by Lincoln as the Symbol of our Union. I have no words to express the way I felt the day I watched Trump on TV send his mob to the U.S. Capitol. Stop the Steal! I was glued to it. Never expecting what unfolded because I could never have imagined it! Sick. I felt sick. For Days. I watched him almost demolish everything we understood as Americans Mindboggling. Human excrement smeared on the walls? Since that day, it seems like there's been a lot of watching, rueing, shocked TskTskTsking..., about the what's and why's of Donald J. Trump and his takeover of a major political party and his continued, 'shocking' behavior'. Then, we took a break and went through the Wringing of Hands about Biden. NOW, as we spend time reacting to Trumps repulsiveness (melodramatic ear bandage, convention buddies, performance at NABJ) -- his minions continue their work with with MAGA traitors all over America, in precincts and counties, strategically placed -- TO REFUSE TO CERTIFY THE ELECTION OF 2024. The horror of November 2024 could make January 6, look like childs' play. Trump DIVERTS OUR ATTENTION from what is REALLY at stake! And we fall for it. He purposely makes outrageous statements. He purposesly offends. SO WE TAKE OUR EYES OFF THE BALL. MAGA succeeds everytime we focus on his bigotry, misogeny, and endless, tedious bullshit -- while they screw us and the system from within. Kamala Harris is more than capable of making mincemeat out of this guy. She's not gonna fall for it! She'll keep talking about policy, children, poverty, clean water, making the economy strong. And while he's at it, she'll make him look obsolete, foolish, a broken record, and what he is: despicable: No plans (except retribution), no policies (except deportation). Let her take him down as only she can do it! She said "I know your TYPE!"

She called Trump "a TYPE"! Now that stung. Here's what she told him: "There's lots of loosers and bullies around like you, Donald. You aren't special, honey." Kamala is ready! Our outrage in place of action if just that. Outrage with absolutely no effect. Send money. Volunteer. Register somebody! When Trump went after Hillary Clinton, it WAS shocking. Everybody was gob-smacked. No one had ever talked like Trump before, during, or after a Presidential campaign. We know him now. Stop acting like you're shocked by Anything he says. "She was Indian. Bigly Indian. Then she wanted to be Black." Why didn't everybody just fall over laughing! Are you #ing serious, Donald? It's like the island "surrounded by Big Water! A lot of Water!" He's almost totally ignorant (literally). He has no education or knowledge about the World, history of the world and this country; that the government has three branches of government.... It's too funny (except that he was once elected President of the United States). Make people laugh at him and he'll go ballistic! This man has no self-control when it comes to his ego!

What MAGA/TRUMP PROMISES US is right out in the open! A election that cannot certified. If a state can't cetify all its votes, it can't send electors to the Electoral College.

Can a President be elected by Electoral votes from 47 states? 44?

Let's say by some miracle every State certifies its votes and Democratic candidates win.

What will happen when the Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate) is called upon to certify herself as Present-Elect?)) OMG. That is not, by the way, something that should be problem. The Constitution. Laws. Precedent. Tradition. History. All these things make such a scenario. IN THE PAST.

Meanwhile, this is not a situation to be left to the U.S. Capitol Police and the D.C. Police Department! And this is not a situation that should be left to every county clerk in the country. VOLUNTEER.

Will President Biden be required call on the United States Military? THAT'S WHAT WORRIES ME.

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Thanks for all you write! Do you think that most of the Trump followers are capable or willing to understand this latest paper you wrote? Thay seem to be very narrow minded and willing to ignore the facts.

Thanks again for all you do!


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"The" Donald is circling the drain. But let's not take anything for granted. Donate to Kamala, work for her, talk to your neighbors.

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I think Kamla's running mate should be a woman.

And let's just call the first gentleman Doug

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If there's a woman who will strengthen the ticket, sure! But more important, I think, is to pick an ethical, compassionate, intelligent VP regardless of gender.

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Mark Kelly is the perfect complement to Harris's incredible legal acumen. He's military, an astronaut, intellectual and science based. Thus, as opposed to a misogynist duo, one a cowardly, 5X draft dodger; the other a hillbilly poseur, we would be in sold hands domestically and internationally.

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It's amusing to see the supposedly superior gender behave like Red Pill incels, the sad sack guys who couldn't get dates in H.S. yThey imagine that bad mouthing women makes them look dominant. How weird do you have to be to think that verbal abuse translates as anything but bullying by weenies who are scared of women? They are like children singing in the dark so that what they fear doesn't get them. The more they yowl the more they cement their status as frightened little boys frozen in a prepubescence mentality.

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The MAGA/republican cult will be so happy in November. They will be able to talk about the problems in this country. And they will be able to blame a black Asian Democratic woman. It is so much than Obama (only Democratic and black).

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Make no mistake about Trump-He's a racist making a not concealed attack on Harris as well as her husband for their racial and religious identities

This approach only appeals to his rabid, fascist, waspy, KKK like supporters.

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Wonder how Trump's pea brained mind imagined that attacking Black female journalists in front of a highly-educated and professional Black audience was a win for him if he was trying to get Black votes?

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Trump will rue the day he tried to belittle Kamala Harris. He doesn’t understand a thing about the role of women in history.

We always find the way to make things happen.

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Yay! A strong woman who has found her voice to speak for the millions that the elte bullies have brainwashed or silenced.l sent her a card of support and asked her work to bring forth the stalled HR-6747 of 2023 to a vote and stall Senator Manchin's give away of our life supporting habitat to becoming the industrial dumping ground and WATER to further harvesting the fossil fuels by Hydraulic fracturing. Electricity is generated by turning a turbine and there are so many non-polluting ways to do that but the Lord seems to have designated the North American Continent as the natural resources sacrifice to the City Empires of the planet. Astounding stupidity. The Cat Woman. Is Magnificent!

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The dems ARE too fond of identity politics. They have to have X number of blacks, Y number of gays, Z number of women, a TS or two... I think it is because the not-too-bright D apparatchiks basically threw away the Working class, the Union people, between 1968 and 1980. More recently they tried to recast themselves as the party of educated, professional elites'. But that didn't work very well, as most doctors lawyers CEO's etc naturally favor the R's. That left the D's with the far Left radicals, the LGBT activists, some of the Blacks, and many women. (Thank Goddess for the women) But having thrown away the white working class leaves the Dems frantically trying to scare up a majority by pandering to evryone else.

Which is NOT to say all DEI hires are incompetent. But what I have seen is that the token Black or woman will see even their worst faiings ignored, like not even showing up for work, because firing them would embarrass the Powers that Be.

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The identity politics are generated by Maggats constant yowling. Harris is mixed race. Who made the wisecracks about her identity? That would be Tronald J. Dump.

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Dem identity politics existed long before MAGA. I wish there was a way to get back to the Union Democrats of the 50s to 70's say. I don't like trump, but he is a symptom of an extremely f***ed up culture. In a sane culture, Trump, the Kartrashions, the foul mouthed no taalent rappers the TS trouble-makers and the far Right nutjobs who hate them , etc would be ignored as beneath the notice of sane people.

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The reason I left the Democrat party which I became being the child of blue-collar parents was that it decided that to be competitive with the vulture capitalist spirit and politics of the 80s, 90s and 2000s was that it's so called centricism wasn't centrist at all. The goal post had moved so far to the right that Dem party leaders might as well have joined the GOP which became the bastion of Kocheconomics. They called their brand of economic policy the "Third Way" which was/is nothing more than Republican-lite. That was before the GOP went nuts and became Maggats. Third Wayers talked like Democrats of the mid-century America but the governed in fiscal matters exactly like the elephants. Obama used the same economic advisors whose mania for deregulation resulted in the crash of 2008 the aftermath of which many economists called a "depression" not "recession" as claimed. Only the defrauders got out alive. Americans involuntarily paid the TARP tab to save the crooks from themselves and got nothing for it but derision from the Wolves of Wall Street. All wealth of Americans accumulated over the prior decade mostly in their homes vanished.

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