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The dems ARE too fond of identity politics. They have to have X number of blacks, Y number of gays, Z number of women, a TS or two... I think it is because the not-too-bright D apparatchiks basically threw away the Working class, the Union people, between 1968 and 1980. More recently they tried to recast themselves as the party of educated, professional elites'. But that didn't work very well, as most doctors lawyers CEO's etc naturally favor the R's. That left the D's with the far Left radicals, the LGBT activists, some of the Blacks, and many women. (Thank Goddess for the women) But having thrown away the white working class leaves the Dems frantically trying to scare up a majority by pandering to evryone else.

Which is NOT to say all DEI hires are incompetent. But what I have seen is that the token Black or woman will see even their worst faiings ignored, like not even showing up for work, because firing them would embarrass the Powers that Be.

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The identity politics are generated by Maggats constant yowling. Harris is mixed race. Who made the wisecracks about her identity? That would be Tronald J. Dump.

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Dem identity politics existed long before MAGA. I wish there was a way to get back to the Union Democrats of the 50s to 70's say. I don't like trump, but he is a symptom of an extremely f***ed up culture. In a sane culture, Trump, the Kartrashions, the foul mouthed no taalent rappers the TS trouble-makers and the far Right nutjobs who hate them , etc would be ignored as beneath the notice of sane people.

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The reason I left the Democrat party which I became being the child of blue-collar parents was that it decided that to be competitive with the vulture capitalist spirit and politics of the 80s, 90s and 2000s was that it's so called centricism wasn't centrist at all. The goal post had moved so far to the right that Dem party leaders might as well have joined the GOP which became the bastion of Kocheconomics. They called their brand of economic policy the "Third Way" which was/is nothing more than Republican-lite. That was before the GOP went nuts and became Maggats. Third Wayers talked like Democrats of the mid-century America but the governed in fiscal matters exactly like the elephants. Obama used the same economic advisors whose mania for deregulation resulted in the crash of 2008 the aftermath of which many economists called a "depression" not "recession" as claimed. Only the defrauders got out alive. Americans involuntarily paid the TARP tab to save the crooks from themselves and got nothing for it but derision from the Wolves of Wall Street. All wealth of Americans accumulated over the prior decade mostly in their homes vanished.

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