Thank you Jim Hightower. Your important column spoke to the point about much-needed reform to finally bring the huge pharmaceuticals to heel. They have lined their pockets for so many years. You also made the crucial point that much of the basic research to develop new medicines is conducted in Government funded laboratories before pharma gloms onto the research and patents it for big profits.
Thank you Jim Hightower. Your important column spoke to the point about much-needed reform to finally bring the huge pharmaceuticals to heel. They have lined their pockets for so many years. You also made the crucial point that much of the basic research to develop new medicines is conducted in Government funded laboratories before pharma gloms onto the research and patents it for big profits.
Thank you Jim Hightower. Your important column spoke to the point about much-needed reform to finally bring the huge pharmaceuticals to heel. They have lined their pockets for so many years. You also made the crucial point that much of the basic research to develop new medicines is conducted in Government funded laboratories before pharma gloms onto the research and patents it for big profits.