Truth and PROOF is in the Punch....and we are watching. If Ken and Jane are for real...pushing for support of judges, the legal system, directing dems to put money into the groups with smart prepared aggressive lawyers whose action against the myriad of illegal stuff by the Administration (it once was tRump and the behind the scenes 2025…
Truth and PROOF is in the Punch....and we are watching. If Ken and Jane are for real...pushing for support of judges, the legal system, directing dems to put money into the groups with smart prepared aggressive lawyers whose action against the myriad of illegal stuff by the Administration (it once was tRump and the behind the scenes 2025 orchestra, but now its the confirmed Secretaries) slows the harm and gives us democratic folk in the hinterlands some hope. Ken and Jane need to get to organizing (door knocking, billboard posting, and aggressive posts-articles against daily rightwing Lie Fest Media) to win the open seats that will be decided in a few to serveral weeks as they also prepare for 2026. Ken and Jane also need to make sure we "rural folk" are calling and writing our subservant Maga (once they were republicans, but not anymore) representatives and senators and telling them we FULLY oppose the criminal nominees for federal offices. Even if these golf shoe-licking lackies vote against our wishes, we have put them on notice. And we should remind these reps and senators every time ... their farmers, their industry workers, their construction folk, etc are harmed by higher American prices caused by tariffs, caused by American Corporation greed, and 1st grader economic policies shoved on us grassroots dems while the congress folk did nothing. Lastly Ken, Jane, and all of us should be contacting Dems in the House and ask them to start building their impeachment case, so if and when there is the opportunity to put our dissatisfaction into action, they are ready (J Raskin, J Crockett, T Lieu,
H Jeffries, A Green, and dozens more). As M M Rowan replied.."RIGHT ON"...let's go...we've got some people and a country to save!
Truth and PROOF is in the Punch....and we are watching. If Ken and Jane are for real...pushing for support of judges, the legal system, directing dems to put money into the groups with smart prepared aggressive lawyers whose action against the myriad of illegal stuff by the Administration (it once was tRump and the behind the scenes 2025 orchestra, but now its the confirmed Secretaries) slows the harm and gives us democratic folk in the hinterlands some hope. Ken and Jane need to get to organizing (door knocking, billboard posting, and aggressive posts-articles against daily rightwing Lie Fest Media) to win the open seats that will be decided in a few to serveral weeks as they also prepare for 2026. Ken and Jane also need to make sure we "rural folk" are calling and writing our subservant Maga (once they were republicans, but not anymore) representatives and senators and telling them we FULLY oppose the criminal nominees for federal offices. Even if these golf shoe-licking lackies vote against our wishes, we have put them on notice. And we should remind these reps and senators every time ... their farmers, their industry workers, their construction folk, etc are harmed by higher American prices caused by tariffs, caused by American Corporation greed, and 1st grader economic policies shoved on us grassroots dems while the congress folk did nothing. Lastly Ken, Jane, and all of us should be contacting Dems in the House and ask them to start building their impeachment case, so if and when there is the opportunity to put our dissatisfaction into action, they are ready (J Raskin, J Crockett, T Lieu,
H Jeffries, A Green, and dozens more). As M M Rowan replied.."RIGHT ON"...let's go...we've got some people and a country to save!