About damned time! I hope my local party leaders get the message. They shunned my offer to volunteer my time during the campaign, but didn't hesitate to ask for my money afterwards.

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Outrageous! Not leadership at all.

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Right on! To form an opposition, action is needed now. Real leaders will emerge as

citizens support the Courts where brave Judges engage to reject illegal attempts to

impose a "unitary executive".

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I stopped donating to the DNC about ten years ago because I felt they were only listening to and bowing to corporate interests. When they elected Ken Martin to head the DNC I got hopeful and when he chose David Hogg as his VP, I donated again .

We need to listen to all voices and get our party energized again

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Jim, I remember hearing you in the ‘80s, and wondered if you were still out there. Yay!!! You’re on Substack!

The best thing the Dems can do in DC is get rid of (retire) the old dead wood. We need fresh blood at the top, like AOC and Jasmine Crockett. That will really get the grassroots voters even more energized.

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Absolutely! Jasmine and AOC both are sharp and they confound MAGA.

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Community organizers, unite!

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We are overjoyed to get this kind of news. Exactly what we have been telling our representatives: stop "humbly asking" for money without telling us what you are using it for! After a few emails, we are seeing some small changes. Jamie Raskin is now actually talking a game plan, instead of endlessly wailing about how bad "the other guys" are. Way to go, Jane and Ken!

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Grass roots Democrats starting at the Precinct and County levels need to be allowed input into the Party's platform, goals, and messages and to ensure that economic, environmental, living wage, voting and health and job justice progressive Democrats and not identity and not corporatist Dems are running in the Democratic primaries and that grass roots Democrats are the ones electing the delegates and officers at every level of the Democratic organization. But no one seems to be able show grass roots Democrats, especially in Texas, how or to organize that effort. Failing to do so will result in little or no progress for most Americans.

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About time. I knocked on doors, but it was poorly organized by outsiders and some of us ended up with the same lists, which really angered people who were bothered repeatedly.

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Truth and PROOF is in the Punch....and we are watching. If Ken and Jane are for real...pushing for support of judges, the legal system, directing dems to put money into the groups with smart prepared aggressive lawyers whose action against the myriad of illegal stuff by the Administration (it once was tRump and the behind the scenes 2025 orchestra, but now its the confirmed Secretaries) slows the harm and gives us democratic folk in the hinterlands some hope. Ken and Jane need to get to organizing (door knocking, billboard posting, and aggressive posts-articles against daily rightwing Lie Fest Media) to win the open seats that will be decided in a few to serveral weeks as they also prepare for 2026. Ken and Jane also need to make sure we "rural folk" are calling and writing our subservant Maga (once they were republicans, but not anymore) representatives and senators and telling them we FULLY oppose the criminal nominees for federal offices. Even if these golf shoe-licking lackies vote against our wishes, we have put them on notice. And we should remind these reps and senators every time ... their farmers, their industry workers, their construction folk, etc are harmed by higher American prices caused by tariffs, caused by American Corporation greed, and 1st grader economic policies shoved on us grassroots dems while the congress folk did nothing. Lastly Ken, Jane, and all of us should be contacting Dems in the House and ask them to start building their impeachment case, so if and when there is the opportunity to put our dissatisfaction into action, they are ready (J Raskin, J Crockett, T Lieu,

H Jeffries, A Green, and dozens more). As M M Rowan replied.."RIGHT ON"...let's go...we've got some people and a country to save!

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"Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it."

David Star Jordan, American naturalist

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It's about time for the Democratic Party is not just Republican-lite. Jim, please come back to Ag commissioner for the whole country.

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We need to generate the ideas/issues that our representatives need to pursue not the ideas generated by lobbyists for corporations which are generated by the top down to us.

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Long overdue ... I can't help but remember Harry Truman and the 1948 election ... when are we going to hear about the 'do nothing Republican Congress'. After the ...

1944 election ... Democrats 242-191 56-39

1946 election ... Republicans 246-188 51-45

1948 election ... Democrats 283-171 54-42

With a strong grass roots effort, we can change it again!!

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Since joining the contrarian I am unable to listen to your wonderful commentary. I am a subscriber from Substack. Please HELP me!!! Look forward to reading along with your narration.

Thank you.


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