Katie Britt is not only the worst actress in the world, she is a totally unprincipled liar. About what you'd expect of the Trumpputin Party. Liars to the very bottom of their hearts and would-be murderers of the Republic. If Eisenhower, Goldwater, George H.W. Bush or John McCaine came back for the grave they'd weep. Or kill the Fascist bastards.
Katie Britt is not only the worst actress in the world, she is a totally unprincipled liar. About what you'd expect of the Trumpputin Party. Liars to the very bottom of their hearts and would-be murderers of the Republic. If Eisenhower, Goldwater, George H.W. Bush or John McCaine came back for the grave they'd weep. Or kill the Fascist bastards.
Katie Britt is not only the worst actress in the world, she is a totally unprincipled liar. About what you'd expect of the Trumpputin Party. Liars to the very bottom of their hearts and would-be murderers of the Republic. If Eisenhower, Goldwater, George H.W. Bush or John McCaine came back for the grave they'd weep. Or kill the Fascist bastards.