Jim,she is no different than any other politician in this country,the ones without Ethics or empathy that is , and they are many ! The cutsie pie Leave it to Beaver ploy ,was a piss poor attempt to put the GOP in a better light !All the lasers in the World are not sufficient enough to penetrate the shadow of extremism the GOP has cast upon itself,it’s the ultimate insult to the American 🇺🇸 people ,that these maniacal , evil bastards are still trying to make us believe in their warped agenda for the future! They are the epitome of ignorance and arrogance,to Hell with them all !

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No surprise here. The GOP lies at every turn in an effort to misdirect from the truth.

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no one can hold a candle to israelis when it comes to lying

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I'm not planning on a visit to Alabama any time soon. I pity the sane people who have to live with the likes of Katie.

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We totally agree with Robert. These people, with their fake Christianity and their fake smiles, are actually guaranteed a one-way ticket to Hell - whether they know it or not. The God who so loved the world that He gave His Son is also a God who is not fooled. The god they worship has nothing in common with Him.

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Well the republicans have been playing that game since Nxon appointed Lewis Powell to the Supreme Court in 1971, when he penned a blue print of how to capture our government for a friend that was then the education director for the United States Chamber of Commerce. If you never heard of it that’s understandable, but Lewis Powell was a corporate lawyer and he sat on the boards of directors of half a dozen corporations, and he wrote the Powell memorandum, you can google it , it’s will then take you on a 50 year ride in ideology of the GOP and the legislation and bills they wrote and passed , to get what we have now, a choice this next National election to decide if we want a dictator for a day (can’t believe that thought would ever come out of an American especially one running for the most powerful position in America), or we save democracy, that’s the choice this 80 yr old vet sees. Google the Powell memorandum or memo.

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They've always been a Corporatist party; but trump turned it into a Fascist cult of personality like Italy under Mussolini or Germany under Hitler . And of course Fascist parties are Corporatist to the core. The amount of racism and violence varies; Mussolini didn't kill 1% as many people as Hitler. But the dictatorship and crony capitalism is always there.

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Thanks for the heads-up!

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1) Rube-publican party, apparently.

2) Another liar, not even bothering to use logical fallacies, just out-and-out misinformation.

3) On the bright side, the Trumps may end up bankrupting that party.

4) Moral bankruptcy.

5) I'm happy to see a journalist actually practicing journalism instead of streetwalking for controversy.

6) I really hope the Democratic party has a meaningful strategic plan.

6a) Moves like "Dark Brandon" are strokes of genius.

6b) The gutsy visit to Ukraine is another one.

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The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is going to bring all lies and hate into law.

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How any woman/person, intelligent and educated, fall for the Trump/Maga line?

The answer: if she is opportunistic plus dishonest. The arc of honesty and getting to the truth can be long, but it will appear.

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As always, thanks for info

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So then the Rs are FOR exploiting children.

Explicitly by lies like this and with such corporatist gems as bringing back child labor. Implicitly by acting as if any "Right to Life" ends at birth.

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You may wish to check out Ellen Jimmerson's post regarding Katie Bride's remarks. She also lost a daughter & was infuriated by this political cheap shot.

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Katie Britt is not only the worst actress in the world, she is a totally unprincipled liar. About what you'd expect of the Trumpputin Party. Liars to the very bottom of their hearts and would-be murderers of the Republic. If Eisenhower, Goldwater, George H.W. Bush or John McCaine came back for the grave they'd weep. Or kill the Fascist bastards.

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And the most bizarre thing was Powell was a democrat, ain’t that a crock.

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Like leonard cohen i'm waiting for the miracle to come, but still listening to hightower!

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Katie Britt claims to be fearful for the safety of her children, but can't bring herself to support sensible gun legislation--this in spite of 10 school shootings this year alone and 346 in 2023. No. She'd rather occupy the MAGATE echo chamber with lies about defenseless immigrants. Well, bless her heart.

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Mar 20Edited

People create a scapegoat to explain their dire situation. They miss place the blame rather then pointing to their heroes. Corporations and shareholders are to blame for situation the world is in. We turn our backs on the real cause of our situation because of our own greed. People are content with the crumbs they receive. Content with their own lot because they are coned into thinking they are free. Manipulated by the network news and manipulated everywhere you shop. Happy Idiots while the profiteers rape the land. Remember “ There is room at the top as long as you smile while you kill.”

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