Having spent around 45 years of my life in and around Philadelphia PA , I am aware of the history of what religious groups were around at the inception of the country. Pennsylvania ( Latin for Penn's Woods) had various flavors of Christians, Jews and Muslim groups from its inception. One of the reason people left or were booted from thei…
Having spent around 45 years of my life in and around Philadelphia PA , I am aware of the history of what religious groups were around at the inception of the country. Pennsylvania ( Latin for Penn's Woods) had various flavors of Christians, Jews and Muslim groups from its inception. One of the reason people left or were booted from their origin countries was religion. Don't supposedly we United States have a separation of Church and State for that very reason. One faith or no faith does not work for all. E Pluribus Unam 'Out of many One'.
Having spent around 45 years of my life in and around Philadelphia PA , I am aware of the history of what religious groups were around at the inception of the country. Pennsylvania ( Latin for Penn's Woods) had various flavors of Christians, Jews and Muslim groups from its inception. One of the reason people left or were booted from their origin countries was religion. Don't supposedly we United States have a separation of Church and State for that very reason. One faith or no faith does not work for all. E Pluribus Unam 'Out of many One'.